Nu har coola Sara Montazami bloggat på VeckoRevyn i ett år och detta firar vi med tårta, bubbel och en helt ny intervju! Spana in här!
Sara Montazamis blogg 1 år!
I juni förra året gick Sara Montazami i mamma Maria Montazamis fotspår, hoppade på bloggtrenden och blev en av Sveriges mest lästa bloggare. Nu har hon bloggat i ett år och någonting säger oss att vi bara sett början av den coola bloggtjejen…
Grattis Sara! I fredags fyllde din blogg på VeckoRevyn ett år. Hur firade du?
Thank you! I am so excited and cannot believe that my blog is already one year old. Time flew by so fast. I need to celebrate and throw a party huh? Maybe when I come to Sweden?
Vad har varit bäst under ditt första år som bloggare?
Before I started blogging, I never really took pictures of the things that I did throughout the day, so now that I have been blogging for a year I get to go back and look at all the things I have been doing and the fact that I get to share it with tons of viewers is extremely cool!
Hur mycket tid lägger du på bloggen varje dag?
I am constantly thinking about my blog when I am out and about. I always try to do something fun each day so I can post it when I get home. The actual blogging part usually takes about 30 minutes because I love reading all the comments that everyone writes!
Vad kommer vi att få se i bloggen under nästa år?
I want to spice up the blog and just try different things to show everyone what California is really like. Hopefully it will be great weather so there will be a bunch to do out here. I am also going to Sweden and Italy this summer so there will definitely be some beautiful pictures coming in. Get ready!
Vi har även hört rykten om att du kommer att delta i Fångarna på fortet nästa säsong, stämmer det?
That is true! My sister Hanna and I got the amazing opportunity to be a part of this show and I am so happy that we got to go to France and meet all the fun people that were also a part of the show. I cannot wait until this season airs. You guys will love it!
Vilket är ditt starkaste minne från inspelningen?
The entire trip was amazing and France is gorgeous, so I even had fun just looking around haha. I loved doing the challenges the most. Hanna said that for one of the challenges I made a really embarrassing face and was totally focused. I really hope they don’t show that on tv!
När kommer avsnittet du medverkar i att visas på TV?
I think it will air in September or October. I will let you guys know immediately once I know and then you guys have to watch it!